Public Records available in Cayman Islands & British Virgin Islands

Accessing Public Records in Cayman Islands, Expert Guidance on Cayman Islands Public Records 开曼和维京群岛对外公开的工商信息


1/24/20243 min read

man standing on white and blue rock formation near body of water during daytime
man standing on white and blue rock formation near body of water during daytime

Public Records available at the Cayman Islands

The Public Records register is maintained in accordance with the Public Recorder Act (as revised) and includes deed polls, wills, promissory notes, affidavits, bills of sale and debentures.

Under the Companies Act and Limited Liability Company Act, certain information is open to inspection by the public upon making a formal request to the Registrar and submitting a payment of US$61.

This includes

  • the name of the company (and, if an exempted company, the dual foreign name and translated name, if applicable);

  • the location of the registered office;

  • the amount of capital of the company (and, in the case of a company having its share capital divided into shares of a nominal or par value, the number of shares into which it is divided and the fixed amounts thereof);

  • the names and addresses of the subscribers to the memorandum and the number of shares taken by each subscriber;

  • the dates of execution and filing of the memorandum of association;

  • the company number;

  • if applicable, a statement that the company is limited by guarantee or is unlimited;

  • the names of the current directors (no historical information is available); and

  • since 1 September 2020, the nature of the business and the date of the company’s financial year end.



根据《公司法》和《有限责任公司法》,某些信息在向注册官提出正式请求并支付 61 美元后可供公众查阅。


  • 公司名称(如果是豁免公司,还包括双重外文名称和翻译名称,如果适用);

  • 注册办事处所在地;

  • 公司的资本额(如果公司的股本分为面值或票面价值的股份,则还包括所划分的股份数量及其固定金额);

  • 备忘录认购人的姓名和地址以及每个认购人持有的股份数量;

  • 组织章程大纲的签署和备案日期;

  • 公司号码;

  • 如果适用,公司是担保有限公司或无限公司的声明;

  • 现任董事姓名(无历史信息);和

  • 自 2020 年 9 月 1 日起,业务性质和公司财政年度结束日期。

Public Records available at the British Virgin Islands Registry of Corporate Affairs

A public search may be conducted either online or in person at the Registry of Corporate Affairs and the information obtained upon payment of the requisite fee. The standard documents which are available to the public are:

  • Certificate of Incorporation

  • Memorandum and Articles of Association

  • Register of Charges, if filed

  • Any amendments to the Memorandum and Articles of Association, once filed.

The private filing of the register of directors is a mandatory filing. Following the amendment to the BC Act which went into effect on 1 January 2023, a list of the directors filed privately may now be obtained once requested. The only information on the register would be a list of the current directors. All other information remains private hence details of directors are unavailable.

As for directors, a search may only be conducted by company name and not names of directors. Therefore, if you wish to conduct a public search for names of directors you must search by company name.

(1) "The British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission ("FSC") will provide the names of directors of BVI companies to registered users of the online VIRRGIN system, as well as in person searches or online at the BVI companies Registry.

(2) The names of current directors will be available to the public. The directors' date of birth, nationality, address and other personal information will not be available to the public.

(3) The names of former directors will not be available to the public.


公共检索可以在线进行,也可以亲自在登记处进行,并在支付必要的费用后获得信息。 可供公众查阅的标准文件有:

  • 公司注册证书

  • 公司章程大纲及细则

  • 费用登记册(如果已提交)

  • 对公司组织大纲和章程的任何修改一经提交。

公司可以选择提交的文件包括董事名册和股东名册,一旦提交,其全部详细信息就会向公众公开。 然而,董事名册的私人备案是强制性备案。《BC 法》修正案于 2023 年 1 月 1 日生效后,现在可以根据要求获取私下提交的董事名单。这是按公司名称要求的。登记册上的唯一信息是现任董事名单。所有其他信息均保密。

董事名册的私下归档属于强制归档。《BC 法》修正案于 2023 年 1 月 1 日生效后,现在可以根据要求获取私下提交的董事名单。



(1) "英属维尔京群岛金融服务委员会("FSC")将向在线 VIRGIN 系统的注册用户提供英属维尔京群岛公司的董事姓名,以及在英属维尔京群岛公司注册处的当面或网上查询。

(2) 现任董事的姓名将向公众公布。董事的出生日期、国籍、地址和其他个人信息将不向公众公开。

(3) 不向公众提供前任董事的姓名。

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Before taking any action based on our articles, consult a qualified attorney, tax advisor, or accountant pertaining to your unique situation. Always seek legal advice to ensure compliance with local regulations and ethical standards.




At Adept Corporate Services, we provide guidance on accessing public records in the Cayman Islands. Our team helps you navigate the process, ensuring you have the information you need to make informed decisions.

Our experienced team offers expert guidance on accessing public records, ensuring you have the information necessary for your business or personal needs. Whether you're conducting due diligence, researching potential business partners, or seeking information for legal purposes, we're here to help.